Contact us

For a general inquiry, please use the contact form below.

You can also find our FAQs right here.

Are you a retailer having questions about sales and distribution of our products? Reach out to us at


  • We usually offer discounts on our products as opposed to free products for various events. If you want to make a sponsorship request, please reach out to

    However, please note that generally speaking, we rarely accept sponsorship for events with fewer than 300 visitors. But there are exceptions. If you think your event would be a perfect fit with BSA, don't hesitate to contact us! 📣

  • Unfortunately, we don't yet sell our products by the case. We have many requests to this effect and are working to add this option to our future online store. Until then, you'll still have to fill your grocery cart with individual BSAs ! 🍺

  • Yes, we know, we don't have an online store on our site yet (it won't be long now)! But you can still buy our products online from one of our partners. The choice is yours:

    Cheers 🍻❤️✌️

  • On average, our beers contain around 80 calories per 473 ml can. This calorie content varies from flavour to flavour, ranging from 75 calories for the Blonde Pilsner to 87 calories for the Raspberry Sour. Visit the Our Products page to discover the taste profiles and nutritional values of each product.

    It's also good to know that, in general, non-alcoholic* beer contains fewer calories than regular beer. The significant reduction in alcohol content contributes to the calorie reduction. Most non-alc* beers contain fewer calories per serving than those with alcohol.

    For example, our Smooth PA contains 80 calories per 473 ml can, while a standard IPA contains an average of 300 calories per can of the same size. That's three times fewer calories for just as much pleasure! 🍻

  • Our beers contain an average of 18g of carbohydrates per 473 ml can (16g for the Blonde Pilsner, 18g for the Tropical Sour, 19g for the Smooth IPA, Orange Whit and Lime Lemon Sour and 20g for the Raspberry Sour).

    That said, it's important to remember that the sugars come mainly from the malt and its fermentation process. They are not “added” sugars, as in soft drinks, for example. ☝️

    P.S. Keto: This diet should generally not exceed an average of 50g of carbohydrates per day, so it's up to you to decide how to consume them. But, let's face it, a good refreshing BSA deserves its 18g of carbs!

  • Our beers contain less than 0.5% alc./vol., more precisely between 0.2% and 0.3%. They are therefore considered to be non-alcoholic*. Many pregnant women take the liberty of drinking this type of beverage. It's a personal choice, really. 🤰

    We recommend that pregnant and breastfeeding women consult their healthcare professional before consuming any amount of alcohol, however small, in order to make the most informed decision possible based on each individual's personal situation.

  • Our products contain no ingredients or by-products of animal origin and are obviously not tested on animals. (too bad for them!) 🤤